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Refresh your enthusiasm for life by dealing with challenges, confirming your choices, or just finding that extra motivation you need to push through the day!
Moments of Motivation
A dose of Motivation is the remedy you need when dealing with challenges or just finding some extra motivation to push through the day. Be inspired with these small doses of positivity drawn from our lives and experiences.
Go with the flow
Don’t judge. Don’t judge others. Don’t judge yourself. Don’t judge fate. Go with the flow. #LifeLessons #DailyChoices #PositiveAttitude...
Daily Dreams
Today isn’t just another day. It’s a chance to make a dream come true.
Your Resolution
Improvement only happens when you realize you aren’t perfect. Make improvement your resolution . #NewYearResolution #SelfImprovement...
The To-Do List
Be Positive. Be Grateful. Be Happy. That’s a to-do list good for every day!
Challenge Yourself
You are capable of more than you realize. Challenge yourself . #SelfConfidence #PositiveAttitude #LifeLessons #PositiveEnergy #BeYou
Be noticed for who you are
Be noticed for who you are. Be the best version of you that you can be! Some will love you, some will not, and that's okay. ....
Guilt-free Love
Your hobbies,, aspirations, wants and need are part of you. Never feel guilty for doing what you love . #SelfLove #PositiveAttitude...
Celebrate You
Celebrate you! There once was a time you dreamed of being where you are today.
Yes you can do it
Thinking you can’t do it is just an excuse for not trying harder. . #Perseverance #PositiveAttitude #LifeLessons #PositiveEnergy #YesYouCan
Happy Veterans Day
They came from all over for all different reasons. They served for only one. Look to their example. Find your reason to be of service.
Be Clearly Certain
Be clear. Be honest. Be certain. Say what you mean. Mean what you say. . #PositiveAttitude #LifeLessons #Honesty #Clarity #Certainty
Treat yourself
You deserve the best from you. Treat yourself as well as you treat others.
New Beginnings
Life is a ride that keeps moving. Where something ends, something else begins
You made it!
Be proud of yourself. You made it to today!
Perception Matters
It’s not what you look at but what you see. It’s not what you listen to but what you hear. A positive attitude makes all things better!
It's a great day to have a great day
Don’t let a bad moment lead to a bad day. Every day is a great day to have a great day!
Be Positive
We aren’t saying stick your head in the sand. Use your positive vigor to combat negative energy. Life is short. You don’t have time to be ne
You have what you need
Whatever you are looking for, look first to yourself. Everything you need you already have
Impress Yourself
You are the one who counts. Impress yourself. Live a live you are proud of.
Labors of Love
This Labor Day take time to work on you! Self-Love, Self-Confidence, Self-Worth, Self-Care. These are your Labors of Love
A MiniPlan for the Future
To plan where you’re going when you must understand where you’ve been
Shine your light
A positive word to start the day can can outshine the sunrise
enjoy today
You don’t have to be always busy. Tomorrow will still come if you slow down and enjoy today.
Mind your mindset
A thank you is infinitely better than criticism. A word of praise is more welcoming than begrudging acceptance. Words matter. Mindset...
Embrace the Difference
Today is a new and different day with its own unique opportunities. Don’t treat it like yesterday. Embrace the difference. #LifeLessons...
Precious Time
Every moment is precious! Make every day count.
Be your true you
In a world of fake news, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence - let the real you shine! #LifeLessons #DailyChoices...
Make someone smile
You will never regret making someone smile. You will always regret it if you were a day late. Don’t think twice. Take every chance to say so
Let your child self free!
Don’t keep score. Make it up as you go long. Have boundless energy. Smile and laugh for no reason. Give the adult in you a day off. Let...
Play Nice
Some days, those little niceties are the best parts of someone’s day. Make their day. Say hello. Open a door. Smile at a stranger. You’re...
Be Like Pluto
In 2006, scientists decided Pluto wasn’t a planet. But Pluto continues to spin on its axis and to circle the sun, not caring what others say
Difference Makers
You don’t have to be perfect to make a difference. You only have to care!
Count Your Blessings
When you count your blessings, count those closest to you twice
Lifetimes of Dedication
"Patriotism is not short, frenzied outbursts of emotion, but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime." (Adlai Stevenson) Happy...
Motivation Matters
You can’t control how others receive you, only how you express yourself. Take less chances at being misunderstood. Be positive.
Love Cares
Take care when you can. Accept care when you need. Fred Rogers said, "Taking care is one way to show your love.Another way is letting...
Focus on what’s right. It’s really the only thing you need to keep in sight.
Less Words, More Action
More words often mean more delays. Take the first step. Progress starts with action.
Celebrate Earth
At our most basic, we all share the same heritage. Celebrate where you come from. Celebrate Earth . #LifeLessons # #DailyChoices...
Speak Kindly
You hear your own voice most. Be careful and always speak kindly of what you say about you . #LifeLessons #KeepTrying #DailyChoices...
Let's get started
You have to get started to get ahead. The first step is the first step to every that happens next! . #LifeLessons #KeepTrying...
You are where you should be
Love who you are. Love where you are. It’s right where you should be. . #LifeLessons #KeepTrying #DailyChoices #SelfCare #LoveYourself...
Choose wisely
You get to decide if today is going to be amazing or if you’re going to be amazed that you get through it. Choose wisely. . #LifeLessons...
Direction means more than Speed
Knowing where you’re going is more important than getting just anywhere fast . #LifeLessons #DirectionOverSpeed #inspiration #motivation...
Believe in Yourself
Believe in yourself and you can move the world! #LifeLessons #BelieveInYourself #inspiration #motivation #PositiveEnergy #GratitudeAttitude
Know No
Know your limits. Sometimes “no” can be the most positive thing to say. #LifeLessons #MakeItHappen #TrustYourInstincts #KnowYourLimits...
Rethink Revise Redo Improve
Didn’t get it right the first time. Try, try, again – each time with more knowledge and experience than before. It’s better than a do...
Happiness Is...
Happiness isn’t in getting what you want. It’s in wanting what you have! . #LifeLessons #HappinessIs #inspiration #motivation...
Small Moments Matter
Every small moment of your past is a big part of what you are today! . #LifeLessons #SmallStuffMatters #inspiration #motivation...
The sun still shines on cloudy days
Trust your instincts. Just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it isn’t there. The sun shines on cloudy days too! . #LifeLessons...
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